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Muna Light was guided to write and sing this song and offer it to the world. She is accompanied by Jayesh on the Tambala. 


Listening to this song brings to you the frequencies and harmonics to support you find your purpose as a star-seeded light being. It helps you to honour yourself as you take this journey.


In gratitude, we thank the Indigo & Crystal children for coming to spread light within these challenging times and to teach us divine empathy.


MARCIA (MUNA) ESCOFFERY is my very dear friend.


She is from the award-winning Escofferys gospel group, with an illustrious musical career spanning many decades and genres from gospel to solo world jazz, working with many greats including Stevie Wonder, Pavarotti, Sting & Eric Clapton.


Now, she is a gifted multi-disciplined holistic practitioner, with Sound Therapy/Healing, EFT- Emotional Technique, Meditation Teaching, and Chakra balancing with Crystals as her main modalities.


Co-founder of Kindred Spirt to honor the passing of her Sister Sandra Escoffery. As a musical night of poems and songs showcasing established and upcoming artists.


Founder of Feed Your Soul to showcase upcoming artists and former students to HOPE, conscious concerts, Honouring Our, Planet Earth sharing songs of hope to heal our world.   +44 7894 585314

Journey of the Soul - Song of HOPE


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